Swimming Club

Programme Overview

Our swimming programme caters for a wide range of swimmers, who are enthusiastic about swimming without the intensity of an elite performance club. Please click on a link below:

Teaching Squads

We run lessons on Sunday afternoons at Charterhouse School; these follow the curriculum set out in Swim England’s National Plan for Teaching Swimming (NPTS). 30-1 and 30-2 are 30mins in length with group 1 being a lower ability than group 2. Swimmers progress through the groups to 45-1, then 45-2 before graduating to an hour session in 60-3 and 60-4.

Day Location Time Length Recommedation
30-1 Sun Charterhouse 15:00-15:30 30mins 30mins p/wk
30-2 Sun Charterhouse 15:00-15:30 30mins 30mins p/wk
45-1 Sun Charterhouse 15:00-15:45 45mins 45mins p/wk
45-2 Sun Charterhouse 15:45-16:30 45mins 45mins p/wk
60-3 Sun Charterhouse 15:30-16:30 60mins 1 or 2 sessions p/wk
60-4 Sun Charterhouse 15:30-16:30 60mins 1 or 2 sessions p/wk
60-3 Wed Godalming LC (3 Lanes) 18:00-19:00 60mins 1 or 2 sessions p/wk
60-4 Wed Godalming LC (3 Lanes) 18:00-19:00 60mins 1 or 2 sessions p/wk

Competitive Swim Squads

We have three competitive swimming squads including a development squad, a junior squad and a senior squad. The squad members train between 2 to 7.5 hours a week.

Our competitive squads aim to develop competitive swimmers by building technique, fitness, and speed; and to get children into the swimming habit. They are for children who have attained specified standards of skill/speed and can commit to training regularly.

Development Squad

Development is a progressive group between Sunday swimming lessons and full competitive squad training.

Squad Day Location Time Length Recommedation
Development Sun Land Training - Charterhouse 15:50-16:20 30mins 2-3 sessions p/wk
Development Sun Charterhouse 16:30-18:00 90mins 2-3 sessions p/wk
Development Wed Godalming LC (3 lanes) 18:00-19:00 60mins 2-3 sessions p/wk
Development Wed Guildford High School (term time only) 19:00-20:30 90mins 2-3 sessions p/wk
Development Saturday (am) Godalming LC (2 lanes) 08:30-09:30am 60mins 2-3 sessions p/wk

Junior Swim Squad

The Junior Squad is for younger competitive swimmers; they are typically aged 10-13 and train 3-4 times a week.

Squad Day Location Time Length Recommedation
Junior Sun Land Training - Charterhouse 15:50-16:20 30mins Minimum 3 sessions p/wk
Junior Sun Charterhouse 16:30-18:00 90mins Minimum 3 sessions p/wk
Junior Wed Guildford High School (term time only) 19:00-20:30 90mins Minimum 3 sessions p/wk
Junior Fri Guildford High School (term time only) 18:15-19:45 90mins Minimum 3 sessions p/wk
Junior Saturday (am) Godalming LC (2 lanes) 08:30-09:30am 60mins Minimum 3 sessions p/wk

Senior Swim Squad

Senior Squad is for older swimmers (typically 12+); they train 3-5 times a week. Our competitive squads aim to develop competitive swimmers by building technique, fitness, and speed; and to get children into the swimming habit. They are for children who have attained specified standards of skill/speed and can commit to training regularly.

Squad Day Location Time Length Recommedation
Senior Sun Land Training - Charterhouse 16:35-17:35 60mins Minimum 3 sessions p/wk
Senior Sun Charterhouse 18:00-20:00 120mins Minimum 3 sessions p/wk
Senior Mon Spectrum 20:20-21:30 60mins Minimum 3 sessions p/wk
Senior Wed Godalming LC (3 lanes) 19:00-21:00 120mins Minimum 3 sessions p/wk
Senior Thur Charterhouse 18:30-20:30 120mins Minimum 3 sessions p/wk
Senior Fri Guildford High School (term time only) 18:15-1945 90mins Minimum 3 sessions p/wk


We have a group for swimmers aged 11+ who want to swim for fitness rather than train for competition. They train on Sunday evening at the Spectrum and have further options to swim through the week. Senior Fitness can also compete for the club in internal and external competitions too.

Day Location Time Length Recommedation
Senior Fitness Sun Spectrum (4 lanes) 19:00-20:00 60mins Minimum 60mins p/wk
Senior Fitness Mon Spectrum (Senior Programme) 20:30-21:30 60mins Minimum 60mins p/wk
Senior Fitness
Wed Spectrum (Masters Programme) 20:30-21:30 60mins Minimum 60mins p/wk
Senior Fitness Thu Spectrum (4 lanes) 20:30-21:30 60mins Minimum 60mins p/wk
Senior Fitness Sat (AM) Godalming LC (2 lanes) 7:00-8:30 60mins Minimum 60mins p/wk


There is also an Adult section, including some older teenagers who have moved across from other squads; most swim for fitness, although a few compete in Masters events.

Squad Day Location Time Length Recommedation
Masters Sun Spectrum (4 lanes) 19:00-20:00 60mins Minimum 60mins p/wk
Masters Mon Spectrum (2 lanes) 20:30-21:30 60mins Minimum 60mins p/wk
Wed Spectrum (4 lanes) 20:30-21:30 60mins Minimum 60mins p/wk
Thu Spectrum (4 lanes) 20:30-21:30 60mins Minimum 60mins p/wk
Masters Sat (AM) Godalming LC (2 lanes) 7:00-8:30 60mins Minimum 60mins p/wk

Our programme runs for 46 weeks a year, organised into three terms roughly in line with the school calendar. We have a summer break in August with optional 'tick-over' sessions organised, and a fortnight off over Christmas. We swim through the Easter holidays (not Easter weekend) and through half-terms with the exception of sessions at GHS which is closed in school holidays.

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